In March I got an exciting surprise. Boy was it a surprise since we were sleeping on the floor since our furniture hadn't arrived to our new station yet! At the end of March I went to the base clinic to confirm. It's also when I learned that not all base clinics are created equal.
I showed up, they drew blood. And an hour later a nurse tells me I'm not pregnant. By this point I should be 6 weeks. Tells me I should just come back in a week. I was very confused....after all below is my tests (can you get anymore positive?!).
I insisted that they draw blood again and this time run a beta. Two agonizing days go by before the nurse calls me and tells me I am pregnant and my numbers are "really high." I asked what they were out of curiosity and she refused to tell me. That same day I loaded DS up on my back and marched to the Tricare office and switched to standard so I can always be seen off base. Best decision I've made! Since that week I've learned from a former worker there that this base clinic has been known in the past to "call" a pregnancy test before actually running it. EEK!
April was a hard month. Before getting my positive I was already feeling off. Within a couple of days of learning why, nausea set in and didn't let up till 14 weeks (and I'm still having an occasional issue!). It really didn't help that I got sick twice in April too (virus sick, not just pregnancy sick)! Unlike with my son snacking is not helping this time around. Anytime I eat anything at all I immediately feel worse. It's been interesting I have to say!
My first visit with a midwife (of my choosing!) was great. We talked about my cesarean section with Squish, my desire for a vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC), the hospital, and how routine care goes with the office. I also learned that they have no problems letting a woman have a 42 week pregnancy! I felt calm the entire time and walked away feeling so positive. No doppler or ultra sound that visit - I love that they're fairly hands off!
I just had my second midwife visit three weeks ago. I heard the heartbeat (150s). It was a very quick and boring appointment - the best kind! My next appointment will be in mid June. That appointment I will see an OB who will go over VBAC risks and repeat c/s risks followed by the anatomy scan! Can't wait!
Hopefully soon I'll finally experience the 2nd trimester surge of energy and will say goodbye to the awful nausea once and for all!