Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Pinterest Wins!

Gotta love Pinterest. Within minutes you can find a billion things you never knew you wanted to buy, make, and cook.
I'm pretty good about trying new recipes I find on there. So far just one big major fail.

Recently I've had two toddler Pinterest wins!

One is this pipe cleaners and colander "game." How much easier can one get? Since I don't actually have a colander (it's in storage), I bought one from the Dollar Tree. For $2 I've found a way to keep a toddler busy for two minutes every day. That's success in my book!
Of course some days he just likes his new hat....

The second win is this "pom pom stuff it in" game.  Now I won't pretend that this was the easiest thing in the world to make. We're a bit limited in tools since most things are in storage, but hey that's why I bought the 4 pack of plastic containers from the Dollar Tree. 3 to mess up! 
Thankfully I only messed up two lids before cutting my finger and making DH finish this project when he got home. However, this game has been a HUGE hit. For at least 5 minutes each day this kid sits down and just pops those pom poms right into the hole. Of course today I caught him trying to stuff the pipe cleaners in there too....but that's another project.

Anybody else have any Pinterest wins? 

1 comment:

Lauren said...

I just logged onto pintrest and saw both of these crafts!! I need to try them with my 15 mo. I also found your blog via Pintrest and noticed you are and AF mom, too!

We made ivory soap foam in the microwave but my 3 yo was less than thrilled. He preferred just pressing the microwave buttons ;)