Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Decluttering Failure

I'm failing in decluttering. Maybe instead of one challenge a week I should aim for one every two weeks? I was supposed to have taken care of paper clutter. We only have one spot with it. It just happens to be a big one.

This is the office/guest bedroom/extra storage/this-doesn't-fit-in-this-current-house room. The main purpose is seriously to collect dust and allow the cat a quiet place to get away from cat obsessed rolling baby.

Just this little section is stuff that I'm allowed to touch. The rest is from DH's pilot training. 

I wouldn't say that as a family we are a complete failure at taking care of last week's challenge. My husband actually took care of a good deal of his paperwork. Mainly because he had to turn it back in. 

My little section though? Yeah, it's still there.

Maybe posting my mess for all to see will give me motivation.


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